Sunday, 24 April 2016

A Little Something from Rebekah's Remarks

I was tagged to take part of this list of questions from the Liebester Award at Rebekah's Remarks, so I'm going to give it a go.

(Thanks Addy for showing me.)

Okay then, let's get started.

1: What inspires you most in your writing and/or blogging?

My family and few good friends loving my artwork, even though I'm still improving myself.

2: What's your biggest pet peeve?

I have a lot, but the biggest peeve has to be any form of disrespect/mistreatment towards me.

3: Who has had the biggest impact on your life?

It's got to be my two aunts. Without their art styles and technique, I wouldn't become the artist.  

4: What's the earliest memory you have?

My life is such a blur, like a speeding roller-coaster. I might either remember watching animated films with my family or watch my eldest sister playing video games with anticipation. Watching many cartoon characters in action may have sparked my interest in drawing.

5: Unicorns or Pegasi?

I will go for Pegasi, because I would loved to travel the world.

6: Hamburgers or hot dogs?

Easy, hot dogs!

7: Do you think eagles, falcons, or hawks are more cool?

Tricky... I think all of them are cool. What? I like animals.

8: Scotland or Ireland?

Let me visit them first. :P

9: Dragons or griffins? 

I think that griffins are okay, but I really dig the dragons.

10: Sushi or oatmeal?

Odd question to ask. I'll stick with oatmeal for now.

11: Are you a Morning Bird or a Night Owl?

I am not good with mornings so I am a night owl, sometimes.

That's all! Hope you enjoyed reading them.


  1. Cooooool!!!! I'm glad you joined in on the tag. Your answers were fun to read!
    Good answer on #8! As for #10, Sushi is really delicious. Even though I've only tried one kind. I tried it once I found out that you could eat it with cooked fish.
    It's good to meet another dragon loving night owl. A good friend of mine told me something funny a couple weeks ago. She said that my life was pastries by day artist by night. That's pretty much true. Like you I am an artist, but because I work a lot during the day I usually have to stay up late to work on my art skills.

  2. Greetings A.K.M.D. I have tagged you for the "It's Show Time!" tag! You are welcome to join in if you like. :D Questions are here:

  3. Wow... I'll give it a try one day.
